EWMA 2023 ~ Milan
Our mediSKIN team attended EWMA (European Wound Management Association) 2023 in Milan, through our research project funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation. We were honoured to have the opportunity to present our work to the wound management community. Our team of co-authors includes experts from RSL Revolutionary Labs, Promed Bioscience, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol Dermatology Clinic, and Theramir Ltd.
Additionally, we had the opportunity to participate in the EWMA Innovation Forum alongside 16 other selected breakthrough startups, and for the first time, exhibit among 140+ exhibiting companies. With over 4,000+ participants from around the world, including 150-180 distributors, we were truly honoured to represent Cyprus in the wound management community.
Esteemed co-authors include
Dr Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades (RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd, Theramir Ltd), Anna Katsioloudi (Theramir Ltd), Costas Pitsillides (Promed Bioscience, Theramir Ltd, RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd), Dr Anna Christofini (RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd), Demetra Wiedl (Promed Bioscience Ltd), Danae Georghiou (Promed Bioscience Ltd), Helena Topouzi (RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd), Despoina Kokkinidou(RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd, Cyprus University of Technology), Zenia Xenou (Promed Bioscience Ltd,Cyprus University of Technology), Konstantinos Kapnisis (Cyprus University of Technology), Andreas Anayiotos (Cyprus University of Technology), Dr Marios Christofinis (Limassol Dermatology Clinic)